
Although my natural medium lies with plants and nature I do find designing more formal settings deeply satisfying, especially when establishing the most comfortable proportions for garden walls, steps, arbours, fountains and fences.


At Morton Hall, I designed the iron arbour, bronze fountain and stone surround before commissioning artisans to create them and instal them on site.

This massive oak arbour was designed to be in proportion to its setting code to an enormous horse-chestnut tree, and the be strong enough to hold the strangulating weight of wisterias, and tall enough for the metre long flowers to hang comfortably above head height.

Mock dry-stone walls and wrought iron fencing lead into a generously spacious Stable yard, bordered by a machinery shed and tennis court.

A curving Ha-ha wall is echoed by curving parkland fencing.

This monumental series of mock dry-stone walls at Gatley Park grew organically out of the bank they were designed to hold up, leaving planting pockets for cascades of greenery.

Newly laid out arbour, terraces and parterres at Gatley Park in Herefordshire with views towards Croft Ambrey Hill Fort.